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Is It Worth Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer?

After a car accident, the last thing you should have to deal with is a long and arduous legal battle for financial compensation. Your injuries can leave you in no condition to fight for your settlement properly, if at all. Even if you aren’t severely injured, it’s still worth hiring a car accident lawyer to help you hold the at-fault driver liable for your damages.

ASK LLP has the experienced car accident lawyer you need to win your claim. Don’t pay out of pocket for damages that aren’t even your fault. Please give us a call today at (877) 746-4275 for more information on how we can help you.

Why It’s Worth Hiring a Lawyer

The Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT) states that in the U.S., car accidents have an economic and societal impact that costs citizens roughly $871 billion a year. Many car accident victims end up paying for these damages on their own because they didn’t have solid legal representation to help them fight for their claim correctly.

Our attorneys do more than just file your paperwork. We go above and beyond for all of our clients to ensure that they get the settlement they need for their car accident damages.

Our Lawyers Help You Keep Track of Deadlines

All legal matters have a deadline. There are various forms and paperwork that you need to fill out on time for your claim to get processed. Many people are not aware of or simply forget about their state’s statute of limitations.

This failure to act leads to a lot of missed opportunities to receive compensation. The car accident attorneys at ASK LLP will ensure that all of your paperwork gets completed accurately and that you file at the best time possible.

We Will Fight Against the Insurance Company

There are two ways to resolve a liability claim: you can provide information to the adverse carrier and attempt to negotiate a settlement, or you can start a lawsuit. The at-fault driver’s insurance company ultimately decides whether or not you will get paid voluntarily. In the absence of a cooperative insurance company, you need a lawyer who will begin a lawsuit.

Insurance companies don’t make a profit by paying claims. It is not uncommon for injured people to be offered insufficient value for their claims, even before the scope of the injury has been fully determined. The insurance adjustor doesn’t work for you, and they don’t have any duty to pursue your best interests. Your attorney, on the other hand, is legally bound to pursue your best interests.

We Can Give You All of the Legal Assistance You Need

Think about how much work it’s going to take to file your claim. It requires that you:

  • Gather and organize all your evidence.
  • Get your police reports and medical records after your accident.
  • Talk to any witnesses and get their testimonies.
  • Get an expert’s supporting opinions on your case.
  • Representing your case during negotiations or in court.

While you’re injured, doing all of these things on your own can be borderline impossible. You need to focus on healing from your injuries just as much as your claim, but unfortunately, doing both at the same time can mean neglecting one or the other.

Instead of making hard compromises, you can retain the help of one of our car accident attorneys instead. With help from our team, you can prioritize your recovery while we handle all of the legal work required for your claim.

Is Hiring a Lawyer Expensive?

How much your legal fees will be typically depends on:

  • How long it takes to win your claim.
  • Any filing fees or other clerical fees.
  • How much prep work it takes to build your case.

Each case is different, so the fees will vary. Many insurance companies try to persuade car accident victims not to get legal help or hire an attorney because it’s “too expensive” and “not worth the price”. The only reason they say this is because they know that once you get a lawyer to help you, their tactics to get you to settle for less won’t work anymore.

Hiring a lawyer is making the proper investment to get the maximum amount of compensation for your case. You can win so much more from your settlement by hiring a lawyer instead of doing it solo and settling by yourself.

Call Us Today for a Free Consultation on Your Car Accident Case

Just last year in 2020, we saw the highest spike in motor vehicle deaths in over 13 years, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). If you sustained damages in a car accident due to the actions of a negligent driver, please give our law office a call at (877) 746-4275 to get started with a free consultation.